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  5. Be more impressive than ChatGPT. Share your heart, soul and quirkiness.

Be more impressive than ChatGPT. Share your heart, soul and quirkiness.

Estimated time to read:
4 mins
Total Run Time:
4 mins

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    Have you met ChatGPT? If not, introduce yourself and start chatting with this impressive AI system from OpenAI. Based on my initial experiences, I’d consider adopting ChatGPT as a new writing assistant. It has potential as a useful sounding board. I queried it about several topics, which gave me directional guidance for writing. But I’m not ready to trust

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    About The Author

    Liz Guthridge
    Liz Guthridge serves as an executive coach, consultant, and facilitator. In her coaching role, she supports leaders rewire their mindset to adapt to our BANI (brittle, anxiety-producing, non-linear, and incomprehensible) world. Her work helps leaders navigate more complex and uncertain situations, connect more dots, and build stronger relationships with stakeholders in multiple ecosystems. Liz has a background in applied neuroscience, behavior design (including habits), and lean communications™. She writes regularly on leadership for the Forbes Coaches Council. As the founder of Connect Consulting Group, Liz works primarily in the United States. She’s based in Charleston, SC.
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