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Communicating AI Forum

Let's explore AI in communication together over a virtual coffee

Let's explore AI in communication together, over a virtual coffee.

At the Centre for Strategic Communication Excellence (CSCE), our AI 'forum', is a place we can chat and share in a safe environment, where having never explored AI or having played and learned a thing or two is equally wonderful.

Please register (it's free) the link is on your confirmation email, so pop it in your diary. Facilitated by Ingrid Nienaber-Dickens, strategic communication professional and CSCE partner. This is an open forum to share, learn and question AI and its impact on our profession.

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Join us on Thursday May 9 2024, from 6:00 PM AEST | 9:00 AM BST | 10:00 AM CEST for a free and exclusive online event celebrating the launch of Rachel Miller’s ground-breaking book, Internal Communication Strategy: Design, Develop, and Transform Your Organizational Communication.

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