Susan Walker
About Me
Susan Walker ABC, an authority on communication evaluation and employee research, is author of the definitive book on the subject: “Employee Engagement and Communication Research” published by Kogan Page. UK based, her background includes internal communication manager roles and research director with Market & Opinion Research International (MORI) where she headed the HR and communication research practice.
Now she has her own business combining engagement and communication studies for clients with pro bono work for not for profits. She also carries out workshops including those for communication teams to share measurement skills and show how to get best value out of research.
Susan has presented at conferences worldwide including Vancouver, Los Angeles, New York, Dublin, Moscow, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Brussels. She is an active member of IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) and in 2015 was presented with the IABC Chair award for dedicated service to IABC.
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